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Salams Says "Yes!" To Love: Congratulations Kamran and Sarah

The Salams Team

Can Long Distance Work?

This question is asked by a lot of people. Most people believe it is not likely for love to continue on in such circumstances. Some even believe that love will only last if you are in constant contact with you wife, husband, fiance. However, Kamran and Sarah defied all of these beliefs and after two whole years of knowing one another, and a year long engagement they were able to get married Alhumduillilah.

Allah definitely tells us that patience is beautiful.

Patiently, with a beautiful patience- The Quran (70:5)

Let us read Sarrah's story as she confirms that Long Distance CAN work!:


"Yes, I did find my now husband, Kamran on Minder(Now Salams). It's actually a funny story. I was in North Carolina just visiting and he was working in South Carolina. While I was there I bought the feature to see who swipes on me. I noticed he swiped right on me, and I thought he was really cute and wasn't a catfish. We started chatting, and then he FaceTimed me to see if I wasn't a catfish. I was back in Michigan, and he was back in New Jersey, and he got on a flight to take me out on a date in Michigan. We were in a long distance relationship for about two years. He would come see me every two weeks. I had my engagement on November 29, 2019 and I just got married on March 21, 2020. Mashallah we are very happy. Honestly, we love it because we have been long distance for so long, this has been rather rewarding.I would've never thought minder would be how I would find my soulmate, who was 638 miles away from me. I initially jokingly downloaded the app, not thinking it was going to go anywhere. But here I am, married to him. I think Minder is a great way to eliminate the whole weirdness with multiple men coming to visit a girl to see if they like her. This app allows individuals to communicate and get to know someone. Thank you minder, for helping me find this guy. I have attached a photo of us."

May Allah preserve Kamran's and Sarra's marriage and bless them both with all that is good Ameen!

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