We found love during a pandemic thanks to Salams App. We met on @Salams.app in late April 2020. Ironically, Atiyya was about to delete the app thinking she wouldn’t find someone locally, after only having it for a week and Isa was just getting started on it. They both were the only first real potential match each of them had met! Alhumdulilah. They begin talking and very quickly Isa knew Atiyya was the ONE. So he called her Wali immediately.
Every Friday Isa was invited for dinner at Atiyya’s family house, for everyone to get to know him. As for Atiyya, she was invited to Isa’s family weekly Islamic studies classes. Atiyya was sharp with answering those Islamic questions, which was a plus for Isa’s family.hey began to plan for their wedding in the mist of the pandemic and they decided on a September outdoor wedding.
Now being married a little over 6 months, they’re still honeymooning and loving every bit of each other. Isa and Atiyya then ended their story by stating:
‘We believe love is a verb that involves action. Love is accepting each other as we are, and helping each other evolve for the better. Love is fearing our Lord first, so we can be right for each other. Love is truly a blessing and should be cherished. Our love is special and we not only tell each other, we show each other with our actions”.